For the Kitchen
Whether you spend most days cooking a big tasty meal in the kitchen, or just pop in and out to warm up leftovers, we have commercial and home appliances to suit your needs. Check out which ones would bring the most delight to your home!
For the Laundry Room
There’s no feeling quite like the delight of having a pile of freshly cleaned clothes; that’s why it’s so important to find the best laundry partner possible in the campaign to clean. Fortunately, we carry countless washers and dryers that are willing to do the dirty work for you.
For Pros At-Home
Both seasoned chefs and aspiring beginners need a little more control over their kitchen appliances in order to experience the true delight they’re looking for. That’s why Nonn’s carries the best brands in the business–to ensure the kitchen is under your command.
See Real Examples
Nonn’s showrooms offer real examples of how you can have delight in your own home by exploring and interacting with a wide range of appliances. From washer-dryer duos to cooktops and ranges, get inspired by the latest trends from the best brands in the business. Conveniently located in Middleton and New Berlin, Wisconsin.
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013… 2023!
For over 40 years, Wisconsin has consistently named us their trusted kitchen, bath, and flooring retailer for bringing delight to their homes. Your neighbors can tell you about the invigorating experience of having new appliances, a kitchen makeover, or even an updated laundry room and how that overall experience has made them come back to us over and over again.
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Some of our previous stories discussed Luxe for Less, Stylish Sustainability, and Mini Renovations that can be accomplished in just a weekend. Let us be your continuing source of inspiration.
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